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Pots and Pans




Food & Product Sampling

We all know the best way to sell food products is by letting people taste them. Especially for new plant based products the general public haven’t heard of, and are sometimes even a little unsure about. 


My Green Collective has a team of professionals who are here to assist getting your brand out there by providing an In-store Food Sampling service. This will not only boost sales but also introduce your products to new customers, broaden your existing customers knowledge to your other products and allow you to gather honest feedback from customers that can help you develop both products and brand. 

My Green Collective can tailor Instore Food Sampling packages to suit your businesses needs.


  • Instore sampling introduces your product to new customers. 

  • Allows existing customers to try new varieties and flavours.

  • Giving your products a face and personality will set your brand a part from the others

  • Instore sampling is a great opportunity to gather product feedback from customers

  • It can boost sales both on the day of the sampling, and longterm. 

  • Smaller retailers love the extra support instore sampling does for sales. 

  • People love free stuff! If they get to taste something delicious from a happy person whilst shopping, they’re more likely to buy it. 

  • Organic marketing can usually be the best kind for a longterm customer, and that’s what word-of-mouth does. People talk about products when they get to try them first.

0424 117 887

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